Increase your competitiveness by joining the ISO certification scheme!

Our certification body supports companies all over the world, from Germany to Japan to the USA! Every year we expand our geography! Join us!
We congratulate Kamil Hrabák and Pedop s.r.o. on successfully passing recertification! This is an important achievement, which confirms the high quality of their transportation.

GMP+ B4 certification is one of the leading standards in the field of quality and "road transport". Passing it requires the fulfillment of strict requirements for the production process and transportation. The result is confirmation that the company meets high international standards in this area.

We are glad that Kamil Hrabák and Pedop s.r.o. pay attention to the quality of their transport and continue to work for the benefit of their customers. We wish them further success and development
This is an important achievement, which confirms the high quality of their transportation.
GMP+ B4 certification is one of the leading standards in the field of quality and "road transport". Passing it requires the fulfillment of strict requirements for the production process and transportation. The result is confirmation that the company meets high international standards in this area.

We are glad that Kamil Hrabák and Pedop s.r.o. pay attention to the quality of their transport and continue to work for the benefit of their customers. We wish them further success and development

We congratulate on successfully passing recertification!

We congratulate Kamil Hrabák and Pedop s.r.o. on successfully passing recertification! This is an important achievement, which confirms the high quality of their transportation.
We congratulate Kamil Hrabák and Pedop s.r.o. on successfully passing recertification!
let's work together to increase your global competitiveness

About us

GUARDIS INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATIONS GmbH (GIC GmbH) is an international certification body (CB) based in Nuremberg, Germany. Specialization of the Certification Body (CB) - both general ISO standards and industry-specific ones.

GIC GmbH provides a full range of certification services involving highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in various industries and certification. However, our specialists (auditors) also work with a narrow segment of companies engaged in industrial production and provision of services. Every year, OS auditors take part in various seminars, trainings and harmonization meetings to improve their skills. There are no borders for our Certification Body, we work all over the world and expand our geography every year. The team of our auditors is expanding every year. We invite auditors - freelancers to become part of our team in your country!

Who is GIC Gmb?

GIC GmbH provides a full range of certification services involving highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in various industries and certification. However, our specialists (auditors) also work with a narrow segment of companies engaged in industrial production and provision of services. Every year, OS auditors take part in various seminars, trainings and harmonization meetings to improve their skills. There are no borders for our Certification Body, we work all over the world and expand our geography every year. The team of our auditors is expanding every year. We invite auditors - freelancers to become part of our team in your country!
GUARDIS INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATIONS GmbH (GIC GmbH) is an international certification body (CB) based in Nuremberg, Germany. Specialization of the Certification Body (CB) - both general ISO standards and industry-specific ones.
GUARDIS INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATIONS GmbH (GIC GmbH) is an international certification body (CB) based in Nuremberg, Germany. Specialization of the Certification Body (CB) - both general ISO standards and industry-specific ones.
GIC GmbH provides a full range of certification services involving highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in various industries and certification. However, our specialists (auditors) also work with a narrow segment of companies engaged in industrial production and provision of services. Every year, OS auditors take part in various seminars, trainings and harmonization meetings to improve their skills. There are no borders for our Certification Body, we work all over the world and expand our geography every year. The team of our auditors is expanding every year. We invite auditors - freelancers to become part of our team in your country!
Natalia Lobodina
Coordinator GIC GmbH
Yuliya Mazur
Director GIC Gmbh
Radoslav Černy
Deputy director

Our team



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Phone: +49 91128707018
Address: Fürther Str. 27, 90429, Nürnberg, Germany
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